The hand-built R8s come out of the Neckarsulm, Germany, factory at rate of about 20 per day. With 240 working days per year means approximately 6,000 R8s are built annually. But according to Audi of America spokesman Christian Bokich, "Worldwide demand is such that the R8 is sold out for 18-plus months." Who says the auto business is slowing down
Audi USA 2010 Cars
Earlier this week Audi announced the 2009 line-up pricing, including the R8 sports car. But that was only for show, since the R8 is sold-out for 2009, and the waiting list is more than 18 months long. The 2009 R8 Quattro R tronic is $121,500, while the R8 Quattro Manual is $112,500. This is a $3,500 price jump from the 2008 model, but this has obviously not stopped the buyers.
The hand-built R8s come out of the Neckarsulm, Germany, factory at rate of about 20 per day. With 240 working days per year means approximately 6,000 R8s are built annually. But according to Audi of America spokesman Christian Bokich, "Worldwide demand is such that the R8 is sold out for 18-plus months." Who says the auto business is slowing down
Audi USA
Audi USA
Audi USA
Audi USA
Audi USA
The hand-built R8s come out of the Neckarsulm, Germany, factory at rate of about 20 per day. With 240 working days per year means approximately 6,000 R8s are built annually. But according to Audi of America spokesman Christian Bokich, "Worldwide demand is such that the R8 is sold out for 18-plus months." Who says the auto business is slowing down