Residing in Northern California, Matt has plenty of experience with VWs and Audis.”I started working as a sales rep for a VW dealer,” he began. “Then I worked at Emotion Garage for 18 months, where people began trusting me with their cars and manufacturers would even call me for advice. After that I moved to another shop that fixed up Porsches and Lamborghinis.”
During his stint in the industry, Matt built a ‘00 Jetta VR6. “I did everything; a Votex kit, S4 wheels, racing seats and more,” he explained. “I still couldn’t keep up with all my friends, though, and it had too many maintenance problems.” He couldn’t keep up because he’s a founding member of club NoFuknJoke (NFJ) featured in et 4/07. Most of their cars are modified from head-to-toe in hardcore Euro-themes, so Matt decided to start anew with something distinctive.